ICS3U Emerging Technologies Evaluation


In the final part of ICS3U Grade 11 Computer Science course you are going to do a little bit of research involving artificial intelligence and its applications

D1 – Environmental Stewardship

  • Describe how computer science concepts can be used to improve problematic environmental issues

D2 – Exploring Computer Science

  • Demonstrate an understanding of an emergent area of computer science

D3 – Post Secondary Opportunities

  • Demonstrate an understanding of important skills and educational requirements for computer science careers

Make sure you hand in your work to the appropriate dropbox on the HUB when completed

Part 1 – AI in Modern Media

In this section you are going to demonstrate your understanding of Strong and Weak AI and the the Turing Test

Humanity often uses the arts and story telling to reflect on important issues to society and answer question about who we are and where the future will take us. The concept or artificial intelligence has greatly captured human interest over the last century. Many stories explore how to determine if a machine is intelligent, and whether to extend rights of beings with Artificial Intelligence.
We want to look at the use of AI in Books and Movies and TV Shows.   Pick a movie / Book / Game that illustrates some type of AI Character.  You can pick anything but some examples are:  (Ex Machina, Data (Star Trek TNG), IRobot, A.I., 2001: A Space Oddessy, 9, WALL-E, Interstellar, etc )
Write a report / essay (500 to 1000 words) with your thoughts to the following :
  • Summarize the character and story. How did the AI character come into existence?
  • What is its purpose? How do the AI and other characters relate to each other?
  • Does the character consider themselves to be intelligent? Do the other characters?
  • Discuss how tests of Artificial Intelligence are conducted or can be conducted in this
  • How successful would the Turing Test be in determining whether this AI is truly
    artificial intelligence?
  • Is this character an example of weak AI or strong AI?
Part 2 – Careers and Education

Research career choices in computer science (Any Field, doesn’t need to be AI) in your area, Canada, and internationally. Compare wages, and other statistics. Choose one job advertisement that could interest you as a possible career and include it in your assignment.

    1. Why did you choose this job?
    2. What education is needed for this job. Find a University/College program where you can get the required education. What are the prerequisites for the program?
    3. Is experience needed for this job? Research ways to gain experience in this field: co-op, internship, volunteering, mentoring, job shadowing etc. Explain a specific way you could gain experience.
    4. Find the essential skills needed for the job from your advertisement. Do you have these skills? Are there any skills that you need to develop further?

Part 3 – Environmental Issues

In 1 – 2 paragraphs

  • How can AI be used to improve problematic environmental issues facing society