ICS3U Python Programming Evaluation 3


These ICS3U Grade 11 Computer Science python coding questions will form a part of your final grade for this course and are to be handed in for grading. 

For all of the following questions:

  • Use a Python IDE of your choice (Spyder, IDLE, Pycharm, etc) and create a coded solution to the given problem.
  • Hand in the .py files for your solution.

Your grade will be based on your ability to demonstrate the overall expectations from the Ontario Computer Studies Curriculum

A1 – Data Sequencing 

  • Use variables to carry out mathematical calculations in a computational proble

A2 – Selection and Repetition Structures

  • Incorporate selection structures into a computer program.

B3 – Algorithm Design

  • Design and implement algorithms that solve problems

ICS3U Python Programming Evaluation Question 1

ICS3U tip Calculator

File Name: “ICS3Utip.py”

You are going to write a tip calculating program that does the following

  • Asks the user to enter the subtotal of a restaurant bill
  • Asks the user if they wish to enter a tip and if they do, let them choose to enter the tip by a specific amount, or by percentage of the subtotal.
  • Display the receipt:  Subtotal, Taxed Owed (13%), Tip, Final Total

ICS3U Python Programming Evaluation Question 2

File Name: “ICS3UtriangleType.py”

You are creating a program to distinguish between different types of triangles

Have your program read in 3 angles (in degrees) from the user

  • If all three angles are 60, output Equilateral
  • If the three angles add up to 180 and exactly two of the angles are the same, output Isosceles
  • If the three angles add up to 180 and no two angles are the same, output Scalene
  • If the 3 angles do not add up to 180 or any of the angles are 0 or negative, output Not a Triangle

ICS3U Python Programming Evaluation Question 3

File Name: “ICS3Uradar.py”

Cities have radar signs that indicate to drivers that they are going too fast.  You are going to write a program that outputs the Fine $ given to a driver for going a certain speed over the limit.

  • 1 to 20 km/h over the limit = $100 Fine
  • 21 to 30 km/h over the limit = $250 Fine
  • 31 or more km/h over the limit = $500 Fine

Your program needs to have the speed limit and recorded driver speed as the input and the $ amount of the Fine as the output