ICS4U - Unit 1 - Fundamental Concepts and Recursion
Unit 2 - Working With Data
Unit 3 - Searching and Sorting Algorithms
Unit 4 - Object Oriented Programming
Unit 5 - Topics in Computer Science
Unit 6 - Introduction to Pygame
Unit 7 - Project Management
Unit 8 - Culminating Activity

ICS4U – Python Programming Evaluation 6


These ICS4U Grade 12 Computer Science python coding questions will form a part of your final grade for this course and are to be handed in for grading. 

For all of the following questions:

  • Use a Python IDE of your choice and create a coded solution to each of the given problems.
  • Hand in a .zip file with all the files needed for your solution

Your grade will be based on your ability to demonstrate the overall expectations from the Ontario Computer Studies Curriculum

A1 – Data Types and Expressions

  • Use Objects to create custom data types when solving problems

A2 – Modular Programming

  • Write programs that are divided among multiple classes
  • Write classes that use encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism

A4 – Code Maintenance

  • Write appropriate internal documentation explaining main points of the code

C1 – Modular Design

  • Design programs using object oriented principles
  • Design programs using the principles of modularity


Since you will be using multiple files in your solution, hand in a .zip file or .rar file that contains all the files you used in your solution.  Maintain the folder structure you have on your machine.  I shouldn’t have to modify anything when running your code.

ICS4U Python Programming Evaluation Question 1

File Name:  “ICS4UcolorClickGame.py” 

You will be designing and making a pygame version of a color clicking game that is shown in the video below.


  • You MUST use the PygameRogers Module we created when designing your solution.
  • You MUST design the game using objects.
    • Any solution that does not create Classes and use Classes from the PygameRogers Module will not be acceptable
  • The game MUST have a start screen with 2 choices (Easy and Hard)
    • You can decide how to differentiate between easy and hard
  • Dots move independently from each other
  • If you want to be creative and modify the game slightly, that is allowed as long as you keep the “spirit” of the game in mind

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