ICS4U - Unit 1 - Fundamental Concepts and Recursion
Unit 2 - Working With Data
Unit 3 - Searching and Sorting Algorithms
Unit 4 - Object Oriented Programming
Unit 5 - Topics in Computer Science
Unit 6 - Introduction to Pygame
Unit 7 - Project Management
Unit 8 - Culminating Activity

ICS4U – Python Programming Evaluation 7


These ICS4U Grade 12 Computer Science python coding questions will form a part of your final grade for this course and are to be handed in for grading. 

For all of the following questions:

  • Use a Python IDE of your choice and create a coded solution to each of the given problems.
  • Hand in a .zip file with all the files needed for your solution

Your grade will be based on your ability to demonstrate the overall expectations from the Ontario Computer Studies Curriculum

A1 – Data Types and Expressions

  • Use Objects to create custom data types when solving problems

A2 – Modular Programming

  • Write programs that are divided among multiple classes
  • Write classes that use encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism

A4 – Code Maintenance

  • Write appropriate internal documentation explaining main points of the code
  • Write external documentation for the end user of the software

B1 – Project Management

  • Create a project plan for a large piece of software
  • Execute a project plan for a large piece of software
  • Review and Reflect upon a large a software project

C1 – Modular Design

  • Design programs using object oriented principles
  • Design programs using the principles of modularity


Since you will be using multiple files in your solution, hand in a .zip file or .rar file that contains all the files you used in your solution.  Maintain the folder structure you have on your machine.  I shouldn’t have to modify anything when running your code.

ICS4U Python Programming Evaluation Question 1

File Name:  “ICS4UwarCardGame.py” 

You will be designing and making a pygame version of the card game WAR that is shown in the video below.


Creating a Software Plan

Write out a project scope document outlining all the requirements needed for designing this game.  Include a Gantt Chart outlining a projected timeline for completing the project

Design a Plan for the Code

Outline your plan on how you are going to code this project.  You don’t have to make a video like I did in the example projects, but you need to outline the objects you think you need to create along with how they will interact with each other.

  • You MUST use the PygameRogers Module we created when designing your solution.
  • Any solution that does not create Classes and use Classes from the PygameRogers Module will not be acceptable

Code the Project

Write the appropriate code that is required to meet the specifications in your Software Plan

Review and Reflection

Now its time to reflect on the code that you have created. You will make a screencast video to demonstrate this.  You don’t need to explain your code, but you need to show all aspects of your project working. Pay particular attention to the following in your video.

  • Is it meeting all the requirements outlined in the project scope? 
  • Is it free of bugs or are there glitches that need to be addressed? 
  • Is it well written code or can it be improved upon?

Here are some free applications that allow you to make a screen cast video on your computer

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